Search results for "kʷɨzɨn ʸ"

kʷɨsap n. grass grass (6 groups, 12 languages) A syn: kʷɨzɨn ʸ.
This root probably had a different meaning from *kʷɨzɨn ʸ. The original sense may have referred to grassland as an area, rather than to the grass itself, or possibly to hay. The *kʷ has lost the labialisation component in Matal (a sporadic process), and is lost in Mbuko and Proto-Higi, which is an irregular process. *p was realised as [f] in Proto-Central Chadic in word-final position, and this appears in all the data.

1Proto-Daba *ᵑkʷɨsaf grass herbe 1.1) Buwal (Viljoen) ŋkusɑf grass herbe 1.2) Gavar (Viljoen) ŋkəsɑf grass herbe 1.3) Mbudum (Ndokobaï) ŋɡusof grass herbe

2Proto-Mafa *kʷɨsaf grass herbe 2.1) Cuvok (Gravina) kusaf blade (of grass) brin (d'herbe)

3Proto-Hurza *saf bush brousse 3.1) Mbuko (Gravina) saf bush brousse

4Proto-Mandara *kɨsaf grass herbe 4.1) Matal (Branger) ksaf, kəsaf grass herbe

5Proto-Mofu *kʷɨsaf grass herbe 5.1) Gemzek kəsaf bush country, rural area brousse, campagne 5.2) Merey kəsaf forest brousse, forêt 5.3) MofuNorth (Barreteau) kúsáf brousse 5.3.1) MofuNorth (Barreteau) kúsáf broussaille 5.3.2) MofuNorth (Barreteau) kúsáf brousse 5.4) Mofu-Gudur (Hollingsworth) kusaf brousse, herbes

6Proto-Higi *sɨfɨ grass herbe 6.1) Bana (Lienhard) sə́fə̀ herbes seches, jaune 6.2) Kirya (Blench) ʃafa bush
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kʷɨzɨn ʸ nm. grass herbe (10 groups, 30 languages) B syn: kʷɨsap.
This is a well attested Central Chadic root. The initial *kʷ has the reflexes *k, *w, *gʷ and *g, of which only the change in Proto-Higi is known to be regular. *z has the regular reflex *s in Proto-Margi, and the unestablished reflex *dz in Mbuko. The final *n→r in the Margi-Mandara-Mofu major group is a regular change. In Mbuko and Dugwor the *r has then changed to /ɗ/, an unestablished process.

1Proto-Bata *kʷɨzinɨ grass herbe 1.1) Gude (Hoskinson) kùzə̀ná -ə grass (general term) 1.2) Jimi (Djibi) kʷəzənən Nom général d'herbe 1.3) Sharwa (Gravina) huzənə herbe 1.4) Tsuvan (Johnston) huzene l'herbe

2Proto-Mafa *kɨzan ʸ grass herbe 2.1) Cuvok (Gravina) kəzeŋ grass herbe

3Proto-Tera *wɨzɨn grass herbe 3.1) Tera (Newman) wuzən grass 3.2) Nyimatli (Harley) wuzu̱n grass

4Proto-Hurza *gʷɨdzaɗ ʸ grass herbe 4.1) Mbuko (Gravina) gudʒeɗ grass herbe

5Proto-Margi *kʷɨsar grass herbe 5.1) Bura (Blench) kusar Grass 5.2) Margi (Hoffman) psar grass 5.3) Margi South (Hoffman) sar grass 5.4) Kilba (Hoffman) sar grass 5.4.1) Kilba (Schuh) sar grass 5.4.2) Kilba (Schuh) sar waist

6Proto-Mandara *kʷɨzɨrɨ ʸ grass herbe 6.1) Podoko (Swackhammer) kuzə́ra,-ə herbe 6.2) Mandara (Fluckiger) kúʒaré herbe sauvage aux grains très minuscules que l'on mangeait en période de disette

7Proto-Mofu *kʷɨzɨr ʸ grass herbe 7.1) Ouldeme (Kinnaird) kùzàr grass herbe 7.2) Muyang (Smith) kʉzir grass herbe 7.2.1) Muyang (Smith) kʉzir fodder, leaves or grass foin, feuilles ou herbe 7.3) Moloko (Friesen) agʷədʒer grass, straw herbe; paille 7.4) Zulgo (Haller) kʷìzir herbe f. 7.5) Gemzek (Sabatai) kozer grass herbe 7.6) Merey (Gravina) guzer thatch (n) herbe, paille, chaume 7.7) Dugwor (Jubumna) gudʒeɗ grass herbe 7.8) Mofu North (Barreteau) gùzèr herbe 7.9) Mofu-Gudur (Hollingsworth) ́guzer herbe (nom gén.) 7.9.1) Mofu-Gudur (Hollingsworth) ́guzer sekko

8Proto-Maroua *gɨzɨŋ ʸ grass herbe 8.1) Giziga Moutourwa (Michielan) giziŋ herbe en général 8.2) Giziga Marva (Hamidou) giziŋ grass herbe 8.3) Mbazla (Tourneux) giʒiŋ herbe

9Proto-Lamang *kʷɨzɨŋ grass herbe 9.1) Hdi (Bramlett) kuzuŋ herb l'herbe

10Proto-Higi *gʷɨzɨn grass herbe 10.1) Kirya (Blench) swə̀n grass 10.2) Psikye (Angelo) gʷəzə grass 10.2.1) Psikye (Angelo) gʷəzú grass 10.2.2) Psikye (Angelo) guzú grass 10.3) Bana (Lienhard) gʷ(ə̀)zə̀n herbe, paille, litière
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